Walker Mill Fire
$30,000 Fire net, Sweeps Plant, New Ipswich, NH Main Building of Wood Turning Company Is Destroyed Early Today (Special to the Sentinel) NEW IPSWICH, N. H., June 21-The main building of the Albert F. Walker & Son Wood Turning Co., owned by Robert B. Walker, was burned last evening, and nearby buildings were saved only after a stiff fight by the firemen. The loss was estimated at $30,000 it and there is about $7000 insurance. Mr. Walker plans to rebuild. The main building was a total loss, as the fire was so far advanced when discovered that no attempt was made to save it, but the firemen devoted their attention to saving adjoining buildings. Valuable books and papers in the office were saved. Last year Mr. Walker installed fire o extinguishers which are supposed to work automatically in case of fire but these apparently failed to function when the blaze started. The new fire engine was instrumental in saving the buildings when fire broke out on the roof last summer and also helped to save the house and enamel shop this morning. Mr. Walker returned home from Keene about 12 o'clock and at 1 o'clock he was awakened by his mother, Mrs. Ella Walker, who said the shop was on fire. The members of the fire department responded quickly to a telephone call and a a large number responded from Greenville after the alarm had been given. Wind blew the flames toward the Walker home nearby and the house was saved only by hard work on part of the firemen. The new enamel plant and a large amount of lumber in the rear of the building also were saved. The wood-turning company has employed about 30 men.
Walker’s Mill
Undated photo of Walker’s Mill
James Roger diary entry
March 12, 1909 (Friday)
Frosty wind northerly, warmer during day. 2 sun dogs seen by Mrs. Phelps this morning. David, Daniel and Walter cutting trees this morning and went to Greenville in afternoon, bought shovel, sardines, & candies. I filled boiler, got weekly Scotsman, People’s Journal, & Midlothian from Roslin today. 19 people at Grange last night.
275th Anniversary Celebration Events
Saturday - March 29, 2025 - 11AM - 2PM
Chili cook off
2025 is the 275th anniversary of the founding of New Ipswich! There will be town events and celebrations throughout the year and this first one is coming right up. If you have the perfect chili recipe and want to enter it to win bragging rights and your place in Town history, then register today and we look forward to seeing you on March 29th. Use the QR code above to enter. (Only New Ipswich residents can enter their chili, but anyone and everyone is very welcome to come and eat lunch and judge).
A sun dog is a colored spot of light that appears to the left or right of the sun. They are also known as mock suns or parhelia.
In 1930 my father worked for the town on a road crew for $2/day. So $30000 was significant.