Barr Estate fruit trees
William Jurian Kaula diary
8 MAY 1898
The discontent in Spain and popular feeling against the Government is on the increase. There is a probable crisis and a possible revolution. The defeat at Manilla [sic] will not interfere with the prosecution of the war, though another decisive battle will undoubtably result in a collapse of the Spanish Cabinet. The Spanish fleet is reported to have returned to Cadiz. If this is true, Cuba and Porto [sic] Rico must fall into our hands in a matter of time. It is idle to think that Spain will not oppose us before such events can take place. The victory at Manilla [sic] has excited our country so much that the rest of the war is predicted as a complete walk over the Spaniards. This is a mistake as Spain has many splendid vessels that will give good accounts for their navy. Spain will fight to the bitter end. The newspapers' plans for the distruction [sic] of the Cape Verde fleet before it can reach the West Indies is not such a small undertaking as they argue. It would be no easy matter to locate the fleet in mid-ocean. Should our squadrons meet the Spanish fleet in the Atlantic and destroy them, operations against Cuba could be carried on with vigor. But these opinions and operations which exist only in theory are likely to be changed by a course of events that the newspapers cannot anticipate. There is much anxiety for the Oregon, the Marietta and the ______ which are on their way north to join our fleet. There is an absence of news from the Phillipeans [sic] as Dewey cut the cable on refusal to be allowed to use it. There are violent demonstrations in Spain over the scarcity and increased price of food. Bread riots have occurred also in Italy.
James Roger diary entry
8th May 1912
Rainy day; wind north east. David choring round; paint shop, etc. Went for mail and brought some chairs, etc. from Mrs. Lena Preston. Got letter from Mrs. Spofford with another postcard view of peach and plum trees in blossom. He went to Daniel's with barrow, etc. in afternoon.