Winter Outing
Undated photo, unidentified people
The Lodge 1924
A lot more rustic than in later photos, note the snowshoes.
Open Fire Cheer
Interior photo of Lodge
Mark Shattuck 1924
On this day - February 21, 1898
William Jurian Kaula diary
21 FEB 1898
I have returned to school and will work in the morning class at Viti's under Collin again. Lee has not finished my portrait and i will pose in the afternoons for three or four sittings a week until it is finished. The crowd at Viti's is about the same only there are not so many as in December. The Russians seem to have dissapeared [sic]. The Jap is till there and furnishes lots of amusement for Madvig, who spends most of his time in trying to make new jokes.
I called on Tanner with a few others to see his work for the coming Salon. Tanner has a studio in a barn-like building on the Boulevard St. Jacque. He showed us several of his latest works - one of the famous Wall of Jerusalem where the Jews go to weep and pray. It reminded me very much of the same subject and place painted by the Russian painter Vereshchagin. Tanner had one or two pictures with lions in the desert. They were hardly carried further than sketches and were interesting more for the color than the character. Tanner's first work of importance was "Daniel in the Lion's Den" which he exhibited and received an "Honorable Mention" at the Salon two years ago. His present work is of the "Annunciation." He prefers religious subject of course. His idea or conception of this subject is rather queer and will no doubt be open to much criticism and comment. It is a large canvas almost two metres long. An interior of a building which he found in Palestine, simple walls, light in color, tile floor, a rug, a couch upon which is seated a young girl who has her hands tied or clasped; this is the only figure. She is looking toward the wierd [sic] and huge column of brilliant light, brilliant as paint would make it, the whole exterior is illuminated by this strong light which colors everything in a warm glow. The whole canvas has a tremendous effect of yellow and the whole scheme of light is exceedingly well painted. The column of light or the apparition comes well toward the left edge of the picture and is the strongest light in the canvas. As it takes no particular shape it hardly explains itself or would to any casual observer who had no ideas of his own as to supernatural effects. The success of a picture with only one figure wholly depends upon how well this portion is painted. It must necessarily be well done so as to make it the important feature of the composition. Tanner has succeeded in producing everything except the head. It is small and requires much character and at the present time it is without it. The drapery that clothes the figure is rendered beautifully. The folds are modelled with great abiliity, the surroundings are also good, the courch, the draperies, the rug, the bare walls, etc. but the poor figure has no meaning and has the type of an ordinary Italian girl. Tanner may pull it out before he sends thee picture to the Salon. It is loaded with paint and shows evidence of a great amount of labor. The effect of the canvas is striking owing to its intense brilliancy of color and light. I am curious to know how it will be received at the Salon as it will surely attract much attention. We stayed a while and had tea while he showed us the arrangements he had for producing the effect by artificial light.
On this day - February 21, 1909
James Roger diary entry
21st (Friday)
Frost (22 degrees) fine day warm in sun. David went to Eaton’s for chair stock for Mr. Walker and took snow plough and grass cutting machine down to Chandler’s afterwards. Got letter from Hamish who expects to be home tomorrow by forenoon train. I swept vestry, little room, and stair, also put leaves in hen house.
Readers Corner
Reader Bill Niemi wrote about his reminisces about a 1949 ford truck owned by the Perry family. Dottie Perry sent me a photo of the truck with Helen Perry, Jon Bateman and Taccata the cocker spaniel, The microcar is a Goggomobil.
Mark Shattuck must have been a relative of the internationally known Lemuel Shattuck who grew up in New Ipswich and established the first department of Pubic Health in the US in Boston. The State of Massachusetts in 1958 built a brand new hospital on a campus next to Franklin Park devoted to the medical research of chronic diseases, cancer being the prominent one. The hospital was named the Lemuel Shattuck Hospital. Harvard, Tufts, and BU Med Schools are had research teams carrying out clinical trials. I worked there from 1961 to 1965.
I was going to say that I had a pickup truck just like that but then I realized that IS my former truck! Thanks for posting it