Logging Accident
FATAL ACCIDENT. Andrew Jackson Goen and his son Ernest went into the woods, Tuesday afternoon, and began to saw down a birch tree about two feet in diameter. The wind was blowing quite a gale and the tree. instead of falling in the direction that Mr. Goen had planned, fell in such a way that Mr. Goen was struck on the left side of the head and face and probably instantly killed. His body was pinned down by the heavy tree. George Morse and Bert Robbins were obliged to saw off a log in order to liberate his body. The boy soon spread the alarm and help was summoned, while a doctor was sent for. The body was kindly cared for and carried to his late residence, where his family were severely shocked. Two of his daughters-Mrs. Theodore D. Masten and Mrs. Dixon D. Wheeler hastened to the house. Mr. and Mrs. Goen were married just 30 years ago and have resided here. His age was 71 years I month 8 days. He has been very unfortunate as regards accidents. Both of his collar bones and some of his ribs had been broken in accidents and he had been ill many times. Mr. Goen possessed a very kind heart and was always willing to aid any one in misfortune.
James Roger diary entry
March 6, 1909 (Saturday)
Frost find bright sunny day wind to S.W. David teaming wood from Bein to Walker, Got letters from Alice also from Hamish who is coming tomorrow, also from Roslin, a Weekly Scotsman, Glasgow Mail & People’s Journal.
It still happens. About 20 yrs ago a neighbor died in a similar manner. Even if you're not cutting a large tree, it can be dangerous to be under one in a strong wind. Last fall a large willow next to my house dropped a huge branch (2 ft in dia) right on the spot where I stand when splitting firewood.
When it's windy stay away from old trees or ant infested ones as my willow was.