Before the wall was constructed
Hurd-Newell house on Main Street. Currently behind the river stone wall
James Roger diary entry
3rd June 1912
Thunderstorm began about 9 p.m. on Sunday night and continued until after 1 a.m.; very near and severe about 12:30 a.m.; heavy rain. Today was cloudy and threatening in morning but cleared up a fine day with west wind. David and Lonie painting and papering at D. Brown’s. I cleared away the heap of soil from brooder house door and fixed up perches in house for chickens, fixed windows, etc.
The wall in front of the Newell Hurd house was built by my grandfather, Frans Perkiomaki. He built the wall with the help of my uncle Thomas Parhiala. Frans came from Finland and is buried in Central cemetery. Matti Perkio
Yesterday I made the comment that I found a 100+ references to my Newell Hurd search. Most of them referred to George Newell Hurd who made the newspapers in the 30s for badminton championships and in the 50s for fishing contests. I read a number of one and could not find what this Newell Hurd did for a leaving. Most of the homes in Center Village were owned by the well-to-do. The NIHS must have something about the New Ipswich Hurd Newell in their files.