Fennia Market
Now the New Ipswich Market. Note the building on the right. Did Central School have an additional wing?
Southern Hero Fire Engine House
Located in Smithville, but where?
Subscriber Bill Niemi asked about the location of the firehouse. It is our belief it was located near the bridge in Smithville, visible in this photo on the left side, just past the telephone pole.
On this day - October 18, 1897
William Jurian Kaula diary
There are two other Americans here, a Mr. and Mrs. Fry. Both are painters. This is Mr. Fry's second trip to Europe, his first as a student at the time when Mr. Major was here - they all seemed to know each other in those days when Americans were not as plentiful as now. Mr. Fry is said to be a fine draughtsman but an uninteresting painter. Mrs. Fry paints with some go and snap. She is also cultivating her voice. From what I hear in the early morning I should say that the "cultivating" has not proved of much avail. Mr. Fry is a small and quiet man. He talks art on every occasion and is devoted to the Louvre and the old masters. He is a strenuous advocate of "serious" work and has enough theories about art to supply a teacher's agency. This is not written in dirision [sic] but I like the painter who produces works rather than one who knows how.
On this day - October 18, 1908
James Roger diary entry
18th (Sunday)
Very warm day. Mr. Peacock preached from the text “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. S.S. after C.E. at 700 pm Mr. Peacock led and gave report of Mason S.S. convention topic Giving.
On this day - October 18, 2015
Tenney Road is one of the best places to see Fall Foliage.