Main Street Fire Station
Smithville Fire Engine House
Methodist Church
The Waterwitch Fire Engine No. 2 was kept at the Old Methodist Church. Note the large doors on the left side of the church.
WWII Veterans
Hazel Moore compiled an album of New Ipswich WWII veterans for the New Ipswich Historical Society. As a prelude to our town’s Memorial Day celebration, we will feature several photos each day.
On this day - April 8, 1908
James Roger diary entry
8th April 1908 (Wednesday)
Frost wind east. Sleety showers during day. David busy in brooder house. I fixed new wire traps in incubator. Selectman Blanchard, Jowders and Preston called today stock taking. Valued 2 horses at $100, 3 cows at $80 and heifer at $14 also 46 hens. Got letter from Hamish and all well.
Reino Kivela, Bill's great uncle.