Francis Jones Burton
Frances Jones Burton. Photos a gift of Ruth Lane, 1981.
Newspaper Clipping
Dr. C. G. Gayward, Former Vermont Star, Will Handle Appleton
Special to The Union.
NEW IPSWICH, April 12.-The announcement that Dr. C. G. Cayward is to have charge of baseball at Appleton academy during the present season has met with a warm response from academy sports fans. Dr. Cayward who has been the town physician since 1930, was one of the outstanding athletes in the history of his college, the University of Vermont, where he won athletic letters in four major sports. It is confidently believed that under his leadership, the present baseball season will go down as the most successful in the history of the school.
Korpi Elected Captain.
At a recent meeting of the baseball group Vernor Korpi, Appleton's out- standing athlete, was unanimously elected baseball captain for the season Korpi has made an unusually brilliant record during his three years at Appleton. His leadership, as captain of basketball was an outstanding factor in the unusual success of the team during the present season. He was awarded all-tournament honors at the recent Fitchburg tournament won by Appleton academy. At the meeting of the Headmasters Council of the Monadnock league, he was selected for an all-league forward position. During the past two years he has developed into one of the outstanding school boy pitchers in this section. During the past summer his brilliant work on the mound was the chief mainstay of the New Ipswich Athletic Association. With the right kind of backing from his field, he will undoubtedly lead the academy boys to a record season.
Andy Somero and Chuck Kangas who will be unable to participate in the Monadnock league schedule, are to hold the positions of manager and as assistant to the coach, respectively.
Of last year's veterans are Harvey Koski, who will act as shortstop; Eugene Madison, who will cover second base; and Walter Thompson at third base.
Henry Guilmette, Teddy Kesti, and Eugene Maki, will bring from one to two year's experience in the outfield. Chuck Kangas, and Andy Somero, veterans of the past two seasons, will be available for a large number of the games.
L. J. Kangas, Ralph Kangas, Ray Lahti, Robert Kullgren, Toivo Rosander, Milton Burton, Robert Basha, Walter Gedenbery, William Gedenberg, Edward Howard, Laurent Pelletier, Norman Ashley, Albert Hovi, Bruno Maki, Waino Paananen, Arthur Smith constitute green material which will be available when the first practice session is called.
James Roger diary entries
7th September 1912
Misty and cloudy; wind variable from N.E. to S.; showers in afternoon. David teaming rocks for Mrs. Parker in forenoon and helping Lonie at Academy in afternoon. I went to Golf course, played 12 holes with Ralph Taylor; left off square. I picked 3 chickens and swept Church in afternoon. Got letters from Alice & Hamish.
What is the year of the Union newspaper clipping? Am I missing it?
Frances Burton was well known for her fine needlework on canvas, using silk thread instead of oils. Her father (Fred Jones) was the town's physician. Her brother was also a physician. The Jones, the Gibsons, Chandlers, and Appletons were all related by marriage. At one time there was a Frances Burton annual lecture. Frances at one time owned land at Gibson Four Corners. In 1935 when town road workers earned $3/day Frances donated $3000 to the Stearns Lecture Fund.