Frank Preston
In the Thayer Family photo collection this man is identified as Frank Preston, who probably married Mabel Thayer. Mabel was Walter Thayer's sister.
The Ache Horn
The Ache Horn was published in New Ipswich in March 1904. It was somewhat like The Onion or maybe Mad Magazine. Somewhat satirical somewhat just silly.
Culprit Still at Large. For several days a stranger has been among us, and the people have been very restless and unhappy because he did not tell them his business. Even the Daily News was way off concerning his identity. The Ache Horn has taken pains to look him up, and has discovered that the man was a Pinkerton Detective employed by Fred Chap to find the rascal who removed his wood from the Fox lot. The detective made a rigid investigation, disclosing the fact that 157 men owned different piles of wood on the Fox lot, and also that 27 others claimed everything from the burning sawdust to the water in the brook and the fish in the water. After charging Fred $70, the detective departed, saying he guessed it was Pogey Blood, although no tangible evidence connects him with the crime. Brew of the Bruise, Bruises An East Ringe Man DURING the recent icy period, Sandy Blood of East Ringe came down long hill at a terrific rate of speed using his back for a toboggan. He retained both sleeves of his overcoat, but lost several inches of cuticle on the trip. He had a comfortable ballast of hard cider inside his vest. Took too Much Time on Monday Afternoon. A ROBBER leisurely mounted the front steps of the Henry Roice residence and rung the door bell. Receiving no response, he entered the door, ascended the stairs and ransacked the rooms on the first floor. In Major Andrues' room he found nearly a bushel of watches, which he quietly slipped into his pocket.
James Roger diary entry
January 12, 1909 (Tuesday)
Dull cloudy frosty morning wind east to north east. Snow commenced and drizzled all day. David choring round, fixed stove in brooder house took out old pump &c. I went to social at Parsonage 13 present not very lively affair.