August 4, 1940
Correspondent: Mrs. Bessie Cushing Tel. Greenville 58-12
George Hill, 18, son of Frank Hill, was instantly killed about 11 o'clock Tuesday night when the automobile which he was driving crashed through the railing of the lower bridge at Highbridge, New Ipswich, taking the cement foundation and landing upside down in the river- bed about 20 feet below. The river is low but the bed is a mass of rocks. His other companions, Toivo Koski, Richard Kesti and Herbert Reynolds, escaped with minor injuries. George lived in a camp on Farwell hill with his father and brothers.
Gould House (Main Street) - Interior
James Roger diary entry
11th July 1913
Warm and dry; wind west. David at Barretts' until noon; afternoon helping H. Royce. I cleared up the Willard Lot and picked peas. Also did some hoeing in the garden. Taylors’ picnic in Obear Grove today; we did not go. Lecture at Academy tonight by Mr. James (?) Knowlton. Got letter from Mr. Moffatt.
Time to ‘fess up. Apparently this was not the only such incident of New Ipswich Finn boys behaving badly in cars. My father Toivo Kangas as an adolescent was involved in a very similar crash with Richard Kesti allegedly at the wheel in a one-vehicle crash at Highbridge. My father regained consciousness as the cold water flowed over him and woke him up at the scene. His older brothers were understandably furious with him.
Toivo Koski survived this accident but then died in a house fire in 1949 with Leon Willard