A photo shoot on a snowy day with Lala Rodgers Barr. Did Laura Barr go by the name “Lala”?
William Jurian Kaula diary
4 MAY 1898
I had planned to paint a moonlight effect this month. The skies have been cloudy, last month it was too cold. Mr. Dearth has tried painting outdoors in the bright moonlight. During the full moon it is light enough to see. The color that one gets working at night is not good as it is greatly exaggerated but the values can be obtained and the effect studied more thoroughly than it would be possible by just painting the scene merely from memory, as most all moonlight pictures are painted from memory. A study made at night is of great help in producing another, which of course must be done from memory. The best and most truthful moonlight pictures that I have seen have been painted by Cazin and Thaulow. Cazin had several in this year's Salon, some were very good, though somewhat too high in key to pass at once for a genuine moonlight effect. Thaulow's work in the last year's Salon were splendid and so true that one could not mistake them for other times of day. Crécy abounds in material for moonlights, and it would be a poor place that would not have subjects. Forms and pleasing masses can be found at night much easier than during the day, as darkness will even make an old factory assume something picturesque and paintable.
James Roger diary entry
4th May 1912
Fair and cool wind, variable, backing to southeast. David ploughed Balch’s field in morning. Went for pen stakes for Mr. Taylor. Ploughed garden and auto came for him to go to a brush fire in Temple and found it was out when they got there. I fixed incubators, cleaned church, etc. Brought down some old shingles from Jenny Fox's. Got letters from Alice and Hamis
More important images and insights into New Ipswich and its place in the wider world.
Lala was Mrs. James Barr.