Mrs. Hannah H. Richardson, for many years a resident in Center Village, died in Leominster during the winter. She was a soldier's widow and came to New Ipswich to educate her children. She was many years a member of the New Ipswich Congregational church, and is remembered as a woman of sterling character, steadfast and true, and a kind and loyal friend to all.
Photo Archives
Church Fire - July 15, 1902 (same location as new Congregational Church)
James Roger diary entry
23rd February 1913
Frosty; roads very slippery with greasy feeling. Mr. Lord preached from the text: “and the Christians were so called first at Antioch.” Very thin attendance, owing to state of roads and for same reason there is to be no evening service. S.S. after church. George Sargent drove past with Carrie Lowe and Elizabeth Preston to Fitchburg to get Boston train. G.S. Wheeler got our ice saw, picks, and tongs; also took away the ice cream pails from Hall.
What was the cause of the church fire?