February 15, 1939
Correspondent: Mrs. Bessie Cushing Tel. Greenville 58-12
Mrs. William Reed (Celia March) died last week at the home of her daughter in Springfield, where with Mr. Reed she went for a visit several weeks ago. The funeral was held in the Unitarian church in Ashby, the old home town of Mrs. Reed. Burial was also in Ashby. Mr. and Mrs. Reed came to New Ipswich from Ashby a few years ago and purchased the old Henry Hardy house which they restored and which they sold less than two years ago. They then moved into the new tenement of Willmore D. Ashley's, where they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary a few months ago.
Dining room at “Little Red House”
James Roger diary entry
5th July 1913
Warm and muggy; wind westerly. David teaming hay for Frank Hardy. Alice and I swept the Hall and put in the settees. I picked two fowls and two broilers; delivered fowl to Miss F. Barr and two broilers to Miss Laura Barr. Went to library and Phelps’ for tobacco and to Post Office for paper. Dill Hudson passed today with the Jowders’ (?) furniture going to Lunenburg. The family went later by auto. Country Club opened today. Letter from May.
That’s a nice set of dishes in the dining room cabinet.
I wonder why there are so many photos of the interior of The Little Red House.