4th Of July
Fourth of July Parade - Charlie Hardy, George Sargent. Oliver Brooks, Eddie Wheeler Photo taken outside old "Mansfield House" which was located adjacent to the town hall across the street from the Congregational Church.
Newspaper Clipping
1933 - Grange Officers Elected
Watatic Grange officers have been elected as follows:
Master, Frederick Peabody.
Overseer, Frank A. Ober.
Lecturer, Moe Carthell.
Steward, Mary Knowlton.
Assistant steward, S. Henry Holton.
Chaplain, John E. Bowman.
Treasurer, Edward R. Wheeler.
Secretary, Mary L. Balch.
Gatekeeper, Robert Mansfield.
Ceres, Mildred Peabody.
Pomona, Ruth Hardy.
Flora, Ida Wheeler.
Lady assistant steward, Yvonne Duval.
Chorister, Florence Anttila.
Executive committee, Charles Knowlton, Albro L. Balch and Alexander Anttila.
James Roger diary entries
8th September 1912
Fine day; bright and sunny; wind westerly. Mr. Lord preached from the text “Wide is the gate, etc.” S.S. after. 10 seniors present; no children’s class Miss Lord not at Church. Evening service at 7 p.m. Topic: “Obstacles.” Fairly good attendance.
Still amazed that folks attended Sunday worship, Sunday school, and evening services. Few churches could count on parishioners to do all that nowadays.
I believe that The Grange lecturer should be Mae Corthell, who was also a school teacher