Located at Upper School Street in New Ipswich, NH
The 161st Children’s Fair
The 161st Children’s Fair was held on August 20, 2022. Heather collecting money at the ice cream booth.
On this day - August 27, 1908
James Roger diary entry
27th (Thursday)
Fair and cool. David at Club House. I cut some lots and turned the hay in top field. Telephone message for Mr. Cushman in afternoon from Boston. He sent answer at night. Grange night only 13 present.
On this day - August 27, 1897 - (Friday)
William Jurian Kaula diary
There are two other Americans at our hotel, a Mr. Howland and a Mr. Holden. Mr. Howland is "a nice fellow" * but somewhat too garrulous. He can sit for hours in a company and do all the talking himself about the various people he has known and met - they are generally very prominent and wealthy people. I do not mention him as being remarkable but because he is the most tiresome individual and a perfect bore.
*They say "he is a pretty good fellow; but he can't paint" I heard at the Boston Art Club. The artists often make that remark as soon as the other turns his back. It is now a stock expression with the boys.
Note from Kaula: Howland is one of the worst liars that I ever met. He pretended to know everybody of importance, of wealth and fame in the U.S. President Cleveland used to slap him on the back and Mrs. C. spent weeks reading to him when he sprained his ankle. He knows the Vanderbilts, Statesmen, Artists, and everybody.
Note: There was an Alfred Cornelius Howland (b. 12 Feb 1838 in Walpole, NH, d. 17 Mar 1909) who was a painter known for genre paintings, landscapes and portraits. It is unknown if this is the person of which Kaula is referring.