An Aerial View
It would be interesting obtain a drone photo of the same scene. This photo is undated.
The Early Days
Looking up Smithville Road from Goen. In this photo you can see the firehouse on the left side past the bridge, also a glimpse of the birdhouse on intersection with Taylor and Fox Farm Road. Nearby was Shirland’s Store.
Even Earlier
Very old photo of Wheeler dam also undated. Note the bridge.
WWII Veterans
Hazel Moore compiled an album of New Ipswich WWII veterans for the New Ipswich Historical Society. As a prelude to our town’s Memorial Day celebration, we will feature a few photos each day.
On this day - April 16, 1908
James Roger diary entry
16th (Thursday)
Hard frost bitter cold N wind all day. David and Hamish putting in wood in forenoon and Jim helped them in afternoon. Hamish and I took coops over to Mr. Stearns at Furnace Valley. At Caucus meeting Mr. Blanchard and I were elected for state and Congressional Convention at Concord on 21st
On this day - April 16, 1897
William Jurian Kaula diary entry “A Night at the Opera”
We held an "Opera" in the evening in the dining room - Hazard played the piano and Logan experimented with a violin. After singing a number of popular songs we became enthusiastic over the selections from the grand operas. After a while they ceased to resemble any particular tune and each one tried his best to make as much discordant sound as possible. The din increased until it was something terrific. Anxious faces of the townspeople peeped in the windows and someone reported that the noise could be heard all over the town. I made my debut as an opera star and sang various unknown selections. Hazard and Logan were each on their own book and entirely independent as was also our "chorus." When the complaints began to arrive we ceased and spent another hour in laughter over the ridiculous performance. It is astonishing that we could have made so much noise without the use of liquors. No one had even a single drop of wine and yet we made noise enough for a drunken carousal.
It's not a party unless the neighbors complain!
Still laughing at the wild opera!