Published July 4, 1907 - The Townsman News
Some Things New Ipswich Needs This classic town, with its maple-lined streets, beautiful drives, noble mountains, broad valleys, and winding river, where restful Nature beckons the weary to abide and recuperate, needs a spacious summer hotel, whose portals will welcome the visiting sons and daughters. What public spirited person or syndicate will inaugurate this? There is one need New Ipswich feels; that is a suitable meeting place for the young men where social enjoyment may be had. An attractive building, well supplied with games and with opportunity for sports, would be a splendid help in the making of strong, loyal citizens. What can be done toward the erection and support of a Club House?
A coffee shop and community center?
Nothing much has changed since 1907, I would like to see a coffee shop and community center. Maybe an activity center at Memorial Field? What would you like to see?
James Roger diary entry
December 30, 1908 (Wednesday)
Frost 14 degrees, Wind N.E. to E & S.E. Snow flurry at noon. David packing ice at Wilbur’s. I fixed Hall for Concert tonight. Got letters from Alice, also Hamish who expects to be home on Friday.
It must have been so lovely sitting on that porch in the Summer time looking at the waterfall right in your front yard!
It's strange that Hildreth Pl is on the south side of the stream while the Hildreth home in on the north side.