This may be a summer cabin owned by the Barr family
Location and date unknown
William Jurian Kaula diary
22 MAY 1898
It is difficult to estimate the probabilities in the actions of the fleets as both governments are observing a strict secrecy. The mysterious tactics of Admiral Cerevera look like a waiting game. The problems in navel [sic] strategy at present resembles a game of hide-and-go seek. It must soon come to an end.
James Roger diary entry
22nd May 1912
Fair; sharp thunderstorm last night from 6:30 to 10 p.m. with rain and hail. Today fair with cool east wind to southeast. Dave and Lonie finishing at Mr. Lewis’ and Mrs. Brooks’. I swept and fixed Hall for dance tonight and trimmed some lots. Dave got letter from Mrs. Spofford. Good turnout at dance.