A side view of the Tabraham-Hoffman House from Currier Road. Currier Road intersects River Road in Bank Village.
A better quality photo of the house showing the wrap around porch. This house located in Bank Village now is the location of Silver Scone Tea Parties Venue.
On this day - March 20, 1898
William Jurian Kaula diary
20 MAR 1898
We played cards last evening until midnight and will do the same tonight. Working out of doors in this damp and winter weather is somewhat dangerous. I have taken cold and will have to go easy until it grows warmer. In the afternoon I wandered over the bleak hillside between Crécy and Bouleur. A close inspection of nature did not reveal much that promised the return of spring. Plowing and wood chopping seems to be the labor of the peasants at this time. They are burning the dry patches of grass along the roadsides which makes ugly black spots.
On this day - March 20, 1909
James Roger diary entry
20th (Saturday)
Snow during night, cloudy day wind N to NW. David finished Greenman’s grave in morning and helping Lonie in afternoon. Got letters from Alice and Hamish. Mr. Bucknam’s horse fell with hearse.
Vernal Equinox - March 20, 2023 17:24
The only sign of spring are in the local sugar houses because the sap is running.
It's unfortunate that the wrap-around porch is gone. I've always admired the homes between Currier Rd and Lower River Rd. I never saw anybody outside and never met the owners, I knew the Curriers and the Legers (Francis and Joan) who had the place on Lower River Rd. I think that those homes may have been summer homes even in the 50s. The Kaulas bought their house from the Tabrahams. Is this also a former Kaula residence? Reading Kaula's and Roger's journals shows you that there were 2 classes of people both here and in France.