Family Photos
These photos are not identified, however they appear to be taken in the early 1940s. If you know them, leave a comment.
Postal Route Change - Apr 16, 1884
No more Bank Village?
James Roger diary entry
February 18, 1909 (Tuesday)
Hard frost 24 degrees wind west to North. David went for coal for ourselves (2420 lbs)And teamed gravel to Long Hill for washed out roads. Took some carriage shafts from Lonies to Sawyer’s and brought one back. Rehearsal of degrees by Grange in Hall tonight. John Newell cutting wood for Hall. Dr. Hildreth’s father’s picture in Hall fell owing to bad wire and broke glass. Odd Fellows have put up two chandeliers in Hall. Corbett put in the Church wood today. I filled boiler and emptied coal. Will Spaulding of Ashby died yesterday.
C021 Hilary Tompkins, Helen Emma, Nancy Tompkins, Rafael Tompkins
C022 Ellen Thayer, Lisa Gauvin, Phil Thayer
C023 Phil Thayer, Phil Emma
C030 Dennis Gauvin, Jason Gauvin
mid 70s since the car in co21 is a 1974 Plymouth.