Thayer Family Photos
These photos are indexed with descriptions. This is not usually the case for the majority of pictures in our collection.

1851 Tax Bill
It was a bit cheaper back then. $1.93 in 1851 dollars would be worth: $79.11 in 2025. Still a bargain.
James Roger diary entry
January 22, 1909 (Friday)
Warm and sunny wind South & S.W. snow melting fast. David teaming from mountain to Depot. I cleaned boards in hen house and gave them clover. Wrote to People’s Friend about Spurtles and Woman’s Home Companion about a poem called “Whistling in Heaven”. Got letters from Hamish & Alice. She tells us that Grampy had left Johnnie $500 under guardianship of lawyer and $100 each of the others.
Lovely family photos. Should be a reminder to everyone to label our photos whenever possible because these artifacts likely will survive us. Future generations then won’t be left guessing who’s who. Instead they’ll take comfort and enjoy knowing more about their roots.