Thayer Family Photos
These photos are indexed with descriptions. This is not usually the case for the majority of pictures in our collection. Meet the Thayer family.
Surprise, eggs were more expensive in 1884
$0.24 in 1884 is worth $7.73 today
James Roger diary entry
January 26, 1909 (Tuesday)
Frost 6 degrees wind N.W. very cold with slight flurries. David teaming from mountain to chair shop. I walked to Greenville and got hair cut and bought hat and tie also paid Prescott’s a/c.
Helen was beautiful. I wonder where in Bank Village she was harvesting. Seeing Phil with that Ford truck catches me off guard. When he was my boss in the 50s I never thought of him as old. I never associated him with Model T's, my grandfather and Walter Thayer, yes.
Got your math wrong John. That's 0.24 for A DOZEN eggs per the slip. At 4.19 a dozen today they're more than 17 times more expensive. We still eat eggs though, when they're available.