Ashby Camp - 1956/57
It’s cold outside, here are some photos taken at a summer picnic with the Thayers.
The Ache Horn (last page)
The Ache Horn was published in New Ipswich in March 1904. It was somewhat like The Onion or maybe Mad Magazine. Somewhat satirical somewhat just silly.
Transcription - Page 4
Note that the names have been altered.
DICK WHELER lost $10 by not picking it up. GRO. S. WHELER and bride have gone to Florida. ARTHUR GREAN has several hens, none of which are laying. LONNIE WILLUD, painter, has delivered a sleigh that he promised. in 1903. CHARLIE WILLUD tied a rubber calf feeder on a two-year-old steer and sold it to Fred Lovely for a two-can cow. FRED CUSHION is trapping this winter. He has one trap set near the P. O, but has not caught any thing in it yet. MARIA BAGLIE has not been able to be out lately. Anyone having any news please call and leave the same with the old lady, The Johnsone Lomber Co. have purchased a bale of good English hay. Guy Blanchard's horse went mouthful. GENE BUUD, prop. of the Godding House, is doing a pushing business. He is an enterprising young man, and is often seen on the Greenville road with a 2 gallon jug FRED HARDIE has purchased a new engine called the "Farmer's Friend." The boiler holds 40 gallons of apple juice, and it requires 12 1-2 bushels of cider apples to fill it. The only machinery connected with the boiler is the inspirator and the outspirator. The engineer performs the revolutions after being attached to the inspirator for a few moments. By working a certain valve frequently the engineer can steam up to 7 or 8 horse power with 60 lbs. pressure on the engineer, saws wood unconsciously, and performs other useful antics. A large number of Fred's friends are going down to see it work. ED WHELER has joined the Rebekahs. CHAS, WELER Is a good old soul, and nobody has anything to say for or agin him. RUFUS PUTMAN ALBRO BALCHE and Fred Gibsun have not quar reled for two weeks. EDWIN F. BLANCHARD has a large assortment of planks which he will gladly exchange for plunks CHIEF ENGINEER ALFRED will dig in your your meadow whenever he wants to, and if you say too much down comes your house. THE Stearns Lecture Com, have secured the services of Messrs. J. B. Davice, J. Augustus and Wm. Praitt for 1904. Exceptionally fine talent as compared with past years. ALBERT BLAID is building a rudder for his saw mill. The snow is now 4 ft. deep, and he expects to locate in Thayer's meadow when the spring floods swoop down upon him. Albert has tied his logs to the mill CHARLIE KNOLTON who is a quiet genius and not lavish in expressing his opinion, was in Landlord Silver's not over 30 minutes last evening, when he said "some thing," and the boys all arose and followed him out. A. F. Rockwood has composed a concert medley for the N. I. Band, entitled, "Willie, Why Did You Leave Us." Expressed in its arrangement are all of the passions of the human mind. At its conclusion all of the hand are in tears or in a rage. DASA BLUD is spending his winters in New Ipswich. He has a beautiful summer home near Mt. Kidder where he maintains a splendid stock farm. His stock of Jersey reds is known known near and far. He visits the "Review" office daily, where be chops 4 or 5 cords of wood and mows from 4 to 6 acres of grass. He is an irregular church member, and never uses more than 10 lbs. of tobacco a week. He lost several thousand last autumn through the advice of the Atty. Gen. Not withstanding his years he is able to drive out daily in his barrouche to look after the many properties he has in his mind. Mr. Codis takes care of his own. horse and does not trust it with others. After Feb, 1st our grocer will give away a cigar, "The Teamster's Bouquet," to every purchaser of $1000 worth of groceries. WANTS WANTED Old engines, plows, and farm tools for my museum. H. W. Chanler. WANTED-Another strong jack ass broke to harness for double team. Hosscar Blood, blacksmith, Review Office, GENTLEMAN Will adopt healthy girl not over 40. Chas. L. Wittemore. WANTED To let 1/2 my house to good looking widow lady. George Moss WANTED-Will consider limited number of leap year propositions. Miss Bachelor. MATRIMONIAL. WANTED-Address of handsome young lady worth $1,000,000 free and clear of all incumbrances. David Rodgers. WANTED-Business men to send for my revised list of eligible daughters. Reduced rates for runaway couples. W. A. Prestun, Justice of the Peace. New Publications. THE Great Todd Road Swindle, by J. Barnet, in cloth, $1.00. WHY Girls Should Wed, by May Green Porteur. Price, paper, 25c. THE Bum Bases of Bugletown. A. Chaise and J. Burrton, Price, m. toc. WHY I do My own Cooking, by Stephen Weeler. Sheepskin, m. $2.50. A RUN on the Banks of Bank Village, by E. Moore, 50c. This is the end, some are glad, wise men laugh, fools get mad.
James Roger diary entry
January 15, 1909 (Friday)
Frosty fine day warm in sun growing colder and freezing at night wind W to N. David choring round. Daniel and him took out Pete for a drive in afternoon. I helped to clean up in Hall and swept it in afternoon. Got letter from Mr. Loudon today, also from Hamish. Dance at Academy at night. Went to W. Preston’s and paid him $3300. 23 for buildings, and 10 for Stock and Implements.
Love these old photos and particularly seeing the Emma family, who were our neighbors on Temple Road, as I remember them. A young and talented family constantly volunteering in the neighborhood and community.
Great family photos. Nice to see families get to together and have fun. New Ipswich was a great place for families and the Thayers did their share to make New Ipswich a great town. It was a privilege working for (with?) them. I attended one of their gatherings at Preston's beach. The first time I had ever been on water skies with Bill at the helm of his ski boat, big smile on his face, wide open throttle!