From The New Ipswich Papers 1936
From a collection of Papers Written for the Historical Society of New Ipswich, New Hampshire and Read at Society Meetings - Compiled and Edited by Mrs. Abbie L. Phelps
AMERICAN FLIP The Turnpike was the principal thoroughfare to all the towns above here and travel over it especially in winter was heavy. This winter transportation was generally by two-horse teams loaded on the down trip with pork, grain, butter, eggs and garden products. The return trip it was iron, molasses, sugar, codfish, and groceries. Most of their dry goods were made at home. Occasionally a severe storm would come up, blocking the roads and compelling them to stop at the nearest Tavern where the loggerhead was always in the fire and the landlord always ready to make a good glass of flip. When ten or more teamsters were held by one of these storms the fun grew fast and furious and when the storm was over and the road broken out, there would be a long line of them starting out, a sight to see. American flip was made in a great pewter mug or earthen pitcher filled two-thirds full of strong beer sweetened with molasses, sugar, and if all else failed, with sweet pumpkin, dried and grated. This was then flavored with about a gill of New England rum and into this mixture was thrust the red hot loggerhead which made it foam and bubble and gave it the burnt taste so dearly loved. Sometimes an egg was beaten in, and it was then called Bellows Top, from the white froth on top. License to keep tavern was granted by the town with the approval of the Selectmen. The following form was commonly used. THIS MAY CERTIFY that Mr.______________ has our approbation and license to keep Tavern in the house he now lives in in New Ipswich. Selectmen of New Ipswich ______________ ______________ ______________
Stephen A. Thayer’s “One Hundred Formulas” was published in 1883. It contains recipes from everything from printing ink to pain killers. Afflicted with “Piles”?
WARNING: Please don’t try any of these “remedies”, many contain ingredients which have been shown to be harmful.
James Roger diary entry
December 3, 1908 (Thursday)
Hard Frost 19 degrees fine day but cold north day wind to NW. David teaming hard pan from Church door. I took the cows out about 1 pm and chopped the ice at the bars for them to get a drink. D & I put harrows under the barn and fastened up barn door. I sorted over cabbage, went for mail etc. Got letter from Hamish who had had a run to Albany on Tuesday night to help messenger with a horse. He now boards where he rooms which makes it more comfortable. Sewing Circle today no supper. Diphtheria has broken out at Smithville. 2 of Guy Blanchard’s daughters have got it. At the meeting last at Baptist Church it was agreed to have a union Christmas tree on Xmas Eve which is Grange meeting night. Mr. Peacock called this afternoon seeking for a Shorter Catechism which I took down in the evening. Got letter from May who has a cold also Berkley and Tyke. The rest all well.
The recipe for a "flip" sounds disgusting, but I'm tempted to try it.
Sweet beer sounds good. I imagine honey would work also.