Tricnit Hosiery Mill
A series of snapshots taken inside the mill. People are not identified and the photos are undated. If you can identify anyone, please leave a comment
The Ache Horn
The Ache Horn was published in New Ipswich in March 1904. It was somewhat like The Onion or maybe Mad Magazine. Somewhat satirical somewhat just silly.
Transcription - Column 2
REDUCED WAGES. MARE CHANDLER has ordered the salary of D. Bruce, H. Royce and Freeman Wright reduced to I0c. per hour, claiming they are passé and disinclined to vote for him. Laborers upon the highway are also ordered to appear in uniform after Feb. 1, in order to distinguish them from summer boarders. The Selectmen will provide each man with a bottle of Greenville sarsaparilla for that tired feeling. FROZEN HEART. ELDEN BONNIEMAN, office boy at the Blacksmith's Review, was found in a precarious state last evening, chilled to the bone and almost exhausted, having stood nearly five hours in the biting frost opposite the Robinson house. His mind seemed to be wandering and he repeatedly called out Agnes! Agnes! He was removed to Fred Prindle's hospital, where it is hoped he will recover. Greenville Votes License. THE merchants of Greenville have discovered that the inhabitants consume annually 98, liquids and 2% solids. Some of the mill employees are able to buy a box of crackers after settling their refreshment bills. NEW BUILDING. GEO. SARGUNT'S hens laid the foundation for his new house.
James Roger diary entry
January 10, 1909 (Sunday)
Mild day, slight flurry of snow in early morning. Mr. Peacock preached on the report of the Spies from the land of Canaan. S.S. after few present. C.E. topic “Life for Time or Eternity” I led, 12 present Wrote to Alice and Hamish.
I worked there for a number of years and I had forgotten how large and productive this business was!
364 is Bill Thayer