Tricnit Hosiery Mill
A series of snapshots taken inside the mill. People are not identified and the photos are undated. If you can identify anyone, please leave a comment
The Ache Horn
The Ache Horn was published in New Ipswich in March 1904. It was somewhat like The Onion or maybe Mad Magazine. Somewhat satirical somewhat just silly.
Transcription - Column 1
BIG STRIKE. MONDAY, Feb. 1, 17 Snow shovellers, being unable to stand out in the cold weather without working, struck for higher pay. After confering several hours with the Road Agents, the following sliding scale of wages based on the rise and fall of the temperature as indicated by the thermometer was agreed upon:* Zero, 8c. per hour; for every degree change in the temperature below or above zero, Ic. extra per hour. Sled riders, 20c. per hour; walking or running to warm feet, 5c. per hour extra. Men over 100 years old, $30 per month; each man will be required to work at least one day in each month. Cripples and boys, $100 per year until 21 years old. Editor's note.-I am greatly in favor of sliding scales (I slide most all of my help). Yet it seems to me that your arrangement will hardly equalize itself. Later on we may get some warmer weather, a contingency which your Road Agents have possibly overlooked. Our July weather running 90 will cost us 98c. per hour. The town cannot afford to do much work in July. OUT OF STYLE. WHEN Ashby gets her trolley cars, flying machines will be in fashion. WAR NEWS. WAR has been declared between Ford, Reed and Tracy.
James Roger diary entry
January 9, 1909 (Saturday)
Frost 22 degrees, wind variable, cloudy threatening snow. David choring round. Tablet committee met in Church this afternoon to fix place to put it up. Got letters from Alice. Johnnie had cut his hair. Hamish says he is being shifted to 6 pm instead of 8 pm and has Sunday night off.
Photo 363 looks like my mother but I'm not sure.