William and Mary Thayer
William is wearing the same type of hat that “Flick” did in “The Christmas Story” when he got his tongue stuck on the flagpole. Photo appears to be taken in the late 1940s.
The Ache Horn
The Ache Horn was published in New Ipswich in March 1904. It was somewhat like The Onion or maybe Mad Magazine. Somewhat satirical somewhat just silly.
Transcription - Column 3
Attorney General. ATTY. GEN, NOSEY has decided to turn over the chores to his wife in addition to her other duties, as all of his time is now required attending to the business of others. We regret to learn that he is be- coming calloused adjacent his pístol pocket from continuous abuse of that part of his anatomy. A padded seat should be provided at the Review. Otherwise the health of the General is very good, and he bids fair to trouble somebody for a good many years to come. Extreme Cruelty. SATURDAY two unfortunate men applied for lodging in the Lobby, which is directly beneath the Hall where the band holds Saturday evening rehearsals. Early passers by Sunday morning, hearing a terrible commotion inside the building, notified Policeman Knowlton who hurried to the spot, and found both men in rags and non-compos- mento. They had beaten the beds into a pudding with bed slats and were attacking the partition. The officer arrived in time to save the rest of the building. MURDER. LAST week E. Frederick, who has resided 40 years in Wilder Village, while returning from a hunting trip discovered several men at work upon the highway in his section. The unusual spectacle so startled and excited him that his gun went off and shot his dog.
James Roger diary entry
January 10, 1909 (Sunday)
Fresh wind, roads muddy. David choring round in forenoon. Went to Greenville in afternoon for kerosene and mouse traps. Elroy Jowders called today about Town Hall for town meeting night. Joe Silver claims same night. Got letter from Hamish, May, Berkley, Mrs. Amee & Dr. Hildreth also papers and esparto from Scotland.
So apparently esparto received from Scotland was a high-quality paper?
Interesting photo of Bill and Mary. My guess is that it was more like the early 40s. They're at a Texaco gas station which also has an Amoco gas pump. The car is from the mid 30s. I think Bill is 12 in this photo.