The bank. Is closed, the skin ointment poisons but makes a profit for the manufacturer. The only reliable thing in Town today is James Roger, tending the cemetery and harvesting the beans.

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The bank was next door to my house on River Rd. You can see a small part of my property to the left of the photo before the carriage doors were changed to garage doors. I hadn’t realized just how big the bank was. It’s hard to imagine it there looking at the space nowadays. Thanks for sharing this photo.

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History of New Ipswich 1735 1914. Jeremiah Smith was a very prominent citizen in town in .any respects. He lived in the house previously owned by Ebenezer Fletcher. Being so active in town the Village once known as Mill Village was changed to Smith Village.

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I was curious what sugar of lead was. It's lead acetate: "Exposure can cause headache, irritability, reduced memory, disturbed sleep, and mood and personality changes. and fatigue."

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