My father said in the 1920s and 30s his family used denim as bedsheets and these sheets were freezing cold in unheated bedrooms. Wonder if they were of the type woven at Waterloom Mill.

And the pain cure described sounds ghastly. Did the pain stop instantly because the victim passed out?

James Roger I think is describing ingredients for piccalilli, not Piccadilly. But maybe I’m missing something. No matter what you call it the stuff is great with leftover turkey the day after Thanksgiving.

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My father for decades fixed knitting machines at Tricnit. Later in life he suffered from breathing problems caused by inhaling dust from fabrics, I was told. Nobody wore masks in those days. I wonder how many workers in the textile mills experienced respiratory conditions as a result of their work.

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My father was a loom fixer for both the Highbridge and Greenville Mills.

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