The answer is yes. Since I was so much older than my 2 brothers I was more like an 'uncle'. I went to Northeastern U which was year round due to the co-op plan, so I didn't spend much time with my brothers. In addition I had a weekend job as an emergency lab tech.
I became a resident of Burlington, Vt in 1967 and missed the closing of Appleton and the opening of Mascenic. My 3 sisters went to Appleton and had no complaints and became productive adults. The youngest sibling at the time in the family went to Mascenic. He was a smart kid but got into the wrong crowd and was into marijuana and coke. He had trouble holding jobs and on occasion I loaned him money never expecting to get repaid. He moved to Florida and worked at various non-skill jobs. My father was retired there and my brother lived briefly with him until my father asked him to leave due to his addictions. Many years after my father died (which was 1993) our county sheriff came to our house to tell us my brother had committed suicide. It may not have been Mascenic's fault, but the atmosphere in a larger public school environment and the greater availability of drugs in more recent times was most likely a significant contributing factor. I think the TIME group that Linda mentioned was probably on the right track with their concerns.
Did you live on River road? Was your brother’s name Paul? Sorry to hear about your brother. I was in class of 76. I was in Roy’s class at Sacred Heart.
The answer is yes. Since I was so much older than my 2 brothers I was more like an 'uncle'. I went to Northeastern U which was year round due to the co-op plan, so I didn't spend much time with my brothers. In addition I had a weekend job as an emergency lab tech.
I became a resident of Burlington, Vt in 1967 and missed the closing of Appleton and the opening of Mascenic. My 3 sisters went to Appleton and had no complaints and became productive adults. The youngest sibling at the time in the family went to Mascenic. He was a smart kid but got into the wrong crowd and was into marijuana and coke. He had trouble holding jobs and on occasion I loaned him money never expecting to get repaid. He moved to Florida and worked at various non-skill jobs. My father was retired there and my brother lived briefly with him until my father asked him to leave due to his addictions. Many years after my father died (which was 1993) our county sheriff came to our house to tell us my brother had committed suicide. It may not have been Mascenic's fault, but the atmosphere in a larger public school environment and the greater availability of drugs in more recent times was most likely a significant contributing factor. I think the TIME group that Linda mentioned was probably on the right track with their concerns.
Hello Bill,
Did you live on River road? Was your brother’s name Paul? Sorry to hear about your brother. I was in class of 76. I was in Roy’s class at Sacred Heart.