Most of us remember Willmore Ashley as Town Clerk, tax collector, license issuer, former selectman, justice of the peace, overseer of the poor, trustee for the cemeteries, sextant, and maybe other town positions. I doubt if any remembers him as the mail carrier for New Ipswich in 1916. Here's his route:

Willmore D. Ashley, will go thence southwest to High Bridge corner, 1.70 m.; southeast to Richardson residence and retrace, .14; westerly to Tabraham corner, 50; iorthwest to Furnace Brook corner, .46; westerly to New Ipswich postofflce (carrier to call for mall addressed to patrons on route), .55; southwest to Davis Village road, 50; southwest to Davis corner, .60; south and southeast to Gibson corner, 2.30; southwest to Old road, 1; northwest and northeast to Smithville, 131; southeast to E- P. Richards' and retrace, ,14; northweBt and southwesterly to Binney Hill corner, 1.56; north and northeast to Whitney corner, 1.34; east to Fox corner, .50; northwest tc Wright corner, .51; northerly to Gor don corner, 1.06; east to New Ipswich village, 1.66; southeast and south Taylor corner, .40; northwest to to Tabraham corner, .90; northeaBt to ITaylor earner, .40; north west to Brook Farm corner, .40; northwest, north and northeast to Jowders corner, 1.07; northeast, southeast and easterly to Greenville postofflce, 175; completing the mileage. The total length, of the route is 21.15 miles;. prior length, 12.38 miles.

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Old New Ipswich maps show that Russell Farwell lived in the old Littlehale house in Smithville, now occupied by Mitch Gluck and Kim Black

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Oh, I left out his role on the police force in 1917.

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If I had to guess the identity of the young man in the portrait, I would say W D Ashley.

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